Heart Diseases And Their Cure
by: Wendell Winkler
publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc.
Studied in this extremely popular book are the heart diseases of un forgiveness, envy, ingratitude, harsh judgments and faultfinding, discontent, pride, doubt, fear, worry, hatred, discouragement, impatience and prejudice. Biblical remedies are given for each.
13 lessons - 112 pages - paperback
Studying Sin Seriously
by: Wendell Winkler
publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc.
This thorough and profitable study covers every aspect of "the only thing God hates-sin:" origin, what it is, kinds of, what it will do, proper and im proper attitudes toward, helps in overcoming, forgiveness of, sins against our selves and our brethren, sins against the home, sins God will not forgive, and hell.
13 lessons - 128 pages - paperback
The Christian And His Influence
Designed to help the Christian live a holy and fruitful life each day, this book discusses each of the Bible's metaphors (light, salt, epistles, leaven) for influence. It deals with the Christian's influence in the community, on the job, in the local church and in the home. Has lessons on using your influence to win souls and strengthen brethren. Also discusses the influence of Christ and the Bible
Toward Spiritul Maturity
by: Wendell Winkler
publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc.
Composing this widely used volume are lessons designed to lead the Christian into a mature life in Christ. The Christian graces, prayer, Bible study, watching your heart and habits, worship, giving, using your talents, your relationship to your brethren, soul winning, the proper use of time, non conformity to the world, and how to prevent apostasy are some of the lessons.
13 lessons - 93 pages - paperback