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Difficult Texts of the Old Testament Explained

by: Wendell Winkler publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc. The Fifth Annual Fort Worth Lectures. This volume contains many interesting and beneficial articles on a variety of Old Testament subjects. Hardback: 446 pages

Difficult Texts of the New Testament Explained

by: Wendell Winkler publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc. The fourth annual Fort Worth lectures deal with many difficult texts in the New Testament. Hardback: 406 pages

Premillennialism, True or False?

by: Wendell Winkler publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc. The First Annual Fort Worth Lectures held in 1978 at the Brown Trail Church of Christ in Fort Worth, Texas. 31 different lectures on the subject of premillennialism. This is a very thorough treatment of this subject. Hardcover: 311 pages

The Holy Scriptures

by: Wendell Winkler publisher: Winkler Publications, Inc. Synopsis: The second annual Fort Worth lectures. In this volume, the authors contend that the Bible is God's full, final, all-sufficient, and judgmental revelation. The stated goals of this series are: • to deepen our appreciation of the Bible • to enlarge our faith in its divine origin, power, all-sufficiency, finality and authoritativeness • to fortify our commitment to make it our constant companion and guide in all matters pertaining to faith and practice • to intensify our resolve to preach it and live it • to increase knowledge of its sacred contents • to make our ability to defend it more efficient. Hardback: 336 pages